Our strength is team of specialists and high-quality hardware accessories. We employ and work with professionals.
GEOTRADE is a comprehensive, formal and legal preparation of investment themes in the field of environment and geology.
We offer a wide range of services including design work, reconnaissance, cost estimate and regulations. We specialize in the reclamation of contaminated oil products and heavy metals offering individual technological solutions adapted to the specific object. We implement complex works – starting from the diagnosis of the state of pollution by purifying selection methods, project development and implementation process.
Among our staff are experts from a list of provincial governor in the preparation of environmental impact assessment with over 20 years experience in work relating to the evaluation and remediation of the environment. Offering our services we guarantee to investors for proper execution of the work, in accordance with applicable law.
Asset of the company GEOTRADE is a team of highly skilled professionals and the necessary hardware equipment. We employ and cooperate with high-class specialists from many fields, such as:
In the case of pollution of soil, there is a duty to take corrective action to restore the environment from before the creation of pollution. These actions are called environmental remediation of soil.
We specialize in the reclamation of land polluted petroleum products. We have our own board bioremediation throughout the country that allow the recovery of about 35,000 Mg per year of contaminated soil.
Our team includes qualified and experienced professionals in the field of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical and environmental protection. We can offer a wide range of work, team of specialists and high-quality hardware accessories.
GEOTRADE is a consulting and executive company. We specialize in environmental protection technology. We operate in Poland and Europe. Our services are adapted to the needs and capabilities of our clients.