What is remediation?
In the case of pollution of soil, there is a duty to take corrective action to restore the environment from before the creation of pollution. These actions are called environmental remediation of soil.
Recultivation of polluted soil or ground involves restoring them to the status of the required quality standards. These standards are defined by Polish law.
To make recultivation is required wielding the ground, unless it demonstrates that contamination of soil or ground or adverse transform the natural landscape, made after the date of taking his own, caused the other designated entity. In such a case the obligation for restoration lies with the entity.
In connection with the described duties perform the various types of research aimed at identifying pollutant, an indication of their presence and action of the remediation.
- Projects reclamation works ground and water environment contaminated with petroleum products, heavy metals and other chemicals.
- Applications for agreeing to the terms of the remediation work.
- The completion of reclamation work ground and water environment contaminated with petroleum products following methods
- Reclamation of land contaminated with heavy metals:
- in situ method of farming – metal bonding with the aid of special preparations. Covering the top party and mixing of contaminated land.
- ex -situ: extraction, transport and recovery of land.
Remediacja gruntu i wód podziemnych
In the event of pollutants in the environment ground or ground – water should be carefully planned measures to prevent further pollution and to restore the status prior to contamination. Therefore, you should develop a project of reclamation work, which in accordance with the law, technology, and economics shows the path of corrective actions.
Recultivation activities are carried out by different methods, as dictated by many factors include geological, technical and economic considerations. Therefore, selection of appropriate techniques it is extremely important and allows to save time and money. Our company offers a comprehensive range of services described.
Environmental monitoring
Environmental monitoring this study, analysis and evaluation of the natural environment in order to observe the changes taking place in it. It involves continuous or periodic repetitive measurement of specific physical parameters and observation of the characteristics, properties of water, soil and air.
Research fieldwork.
Sozological drilling, probing atmogeochemical, analysis of water by Dräger gas extraction, soil samples and salary of groundwater and surface water.
Laboratory tests.
Accredited and accredited laboratory research in a wide range of environmental analysis, among others, total gasoline and diesel (TPH), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), BTEX, physical chemistry, metals severe service,
Wastewater Monitoring.
Tests to check the quality of wastewater discharged into the aquatic environment of the areas of industrial, urban areas, landfills and municipal sewage systems
Design and implementation of monitoring sites.
We design the monitoring network in landfills and at the same time realize designed monitoring work.
- Evaluation of the environment in existing and planned facilities.
- Reports on the impact on the environment.
- Ecological Surveys.
- Projects preventive measures.
- Evaluation of quality of industrial wastewater, municipal and precipitation.
- Operational indicators water law for special use of water.
- The applications for water permits for special use of water.
- Environmental Programs.
- Integrated permits (IPPC).
- Legal opinions relating to liability for pollution of ground water.
About us
GEOTRADE is a consulting and executive company. We specialize in environmental protection technology. We operate in Poland and Europe. Our services are adapted to the needs and capabilities of our clients.